Muscle strengthening, maintenance and restoration
There are several properties within the water that help to build muscle quickly. Because the viscosity increases the drag effect in the water this increases the resistance and therefore builds muscle quickly. It also improves cardiovascular fitness. The heat of the water helps to increase the blood circulation around the body and increases elasticity in the muscle tissue, increase cell metabolism and induced relaxation. This acts as a natural pain relief.
We would use the treadmill for muscle strengthening, maintenance and restoration because:
- The buoyancy of the water supports the limbs
- It provides maximum flexion and extension of the limbs
- Quickly increases muscle mass
- Re educates the gait pattern following the muscle atrophy in the fore or hind limbs
- Provides an earlier return to activity
- Very easy to observe the range of movement (ROM) through the glass sides
- The dog is unable to cheat unlike in the pool where they have a tendency to tuck their hind legs up making it difficult to get a good rom.
If you believe your dog is in need of Hydrotherapy, or your Vet has recommended treatment, first thing you need to do is call us on 01635 521915 or send us an email at
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